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CALL TO ORDER:  S. Young, First Vice Chairman, determined a quorum and called the meeting to order at 7:35pm.

Members Present:  S. Young-Bridgewater, B. Boodry-Brookfield, A. Hawley-Brookfield,
A. Niedzielski-Newtown, B. Woemer-Bridgewater, B. Piepho-Southbury, G. Simmons-Southbury, J. Briody-Bridgewater, L. Leaden-New Milford, S. Howard-Roxbury,
Absent Members:  W. Davidson-Brookfield, D. Kendall, R. Faanes-Roxbury, R. Carley-Newtown and S. Ward-New Milford
Also Present:  G. Walker – Friends of the Lake

APPROVAL OF MINUTES:  A motion was made by A. Niedzielski, seconded by G. Simmons to approve the minutes of the LLA Regular Meeting of August 4, 2009 with the following amendments:  page 3, under Old Business, remove S. Young stated that the critical link is broken between the property owner and the management of their property through the town.  This sentence is to be replaced with:  It is critical that there must be an ongoing link between the property owner and the way that they manage their property in regards to runoff.  Also on page 3 under Old Business, delete the following sentence:  A blanket acknowledgement of support will be sent.    Motion passed unanimously.

CHAIRMAN’S REPORT:  S. Young read the Chairman’s Report that was prepared by Chairman Davidson.  S. Young advised that LLA’s new mailing address is P.O. Box 568, Brookfield, CT  06804. S. Young stated that last month Chairman Davidson sent a letter of support to Attorney General Blumenthal regarding the effort to curtail the expansion of the Housatonic Waste Facility as Lake Lillinonah could be impacted by Pond Brook which empties into Lake Lillinonah.  All members received a copy of this letter via email.  S. Young stated that an appropriate gift be presented to C. Giordano for her many years of service to LLA.  S. Young also stated that Chairman Davidson collaborated with S. Ward and she will handle the details of obtaining a $100.00 gift certificate and a commemorative plaque for Chris. S. Young thanked the Friends of the Lake for hosting the annual membership party that was held at the Silverman home.  He also stated that the LLA membership was well attended and the guests in attendance were Atty. General Blumenthal and Lee Dunbar.  S. Young stated that LLA has the support of the Atty. General when it comes to protecting LLA.  A copy of the Friends of the Lake handout obtained at the annual membership party which describes its accomplishments, activities, and future Lake Lillinonah issues will be attached to the minutes.  S. Young stated that the plan was to perform coli form testing on a sampling basis this year to determine if there was a problem, which would have led to starting a regular testing program.  The sampling was not done.  Over the winter a sampling program will be organized for the sampling for the spring/summer of 2010.  The sampling areas will be the swim areas at Schaghticoke, Newtown Boat Launch, and Barkwood Cove.  S. Young added that the Town Health Department should be contacted for their resources and comments.
Lake Lillinonah Authority Meeting Minutes-September 1, 2009                     Page Two

FIRST VICE CHAIRMAN’S REPORT:  S. Young stated he is continuing to work with CCA for mapping with buoys and working with the subcontractor and vendors to prepare for the fall swap out.  S. Young reported that the red buoy is no longer missing.  L. Leaden stated the other missing buoy has also been recovered.  S. Young asked for recommendations on a sign vendor.  Pineman Signs - New Milford, Melvin Signs - Brookfield, and Sign-A-Rama in Danbury were recommended.  S. Young reported that the graphics and some wording need to be re-labeled; i.e. Hazard Area needs to be changed to Danger Rocks with an orange diamond, with a cross in the middle and reflective.   

SECOND VICE CHAIRMAN’S REPORT:  B. Boodry stated that at the Friends of the Lake party he spoke to J. Silverman who asked if the patrol officers could take photos of debris on the lake while they are on patrol.  These photos will serve as proof to FERC that there is debris in the lake.  B. Boodry spoke with K. Seeley who did not think it would be an issue with the patrol officers.  L. Leaden stated she will be willing to take photos (with date and time stamp) of debris observed on the lake as well that can be shared on the public photo sharing website.  A. Niedzielski asked if the public could call First Light when large debris is spotted.  S. Young asked A. Niedzielski, as head of the Debris Committee, to contact D. Pudlow and ask him if we could give out his phone number and in addition could he include the Lake Authority on his response emails when debris related calls are received. B. Boodry stated he received a list from K. Seeley about the winterization of boats.  According to bylaws this service has to go out to quote and will be sent out this week.  Boats will be coming out this month, 9/20 at the end of the GMS regatta. The last boat will come out in October, which will end the patrol season.  Labor Day until October 1st, patrol will be on weekends only.                  

TREASURER’S REPORT:  J. Briody stated the August 2009 statement is not available on the Wachovia website at this time.  He also stated that $15,000 was received from the 319 Grant.  
J. Briody reported that $6,000 was received from First Light Power for last year’s contribution.  Paid out for aquatic control was approximately $10,000 for answering service, and K. Seeley’s expenses.  He also stated that budget wise the treasury is about 20% through budget which runs through the end of June 2010.  The patrol, which is the single biggest allocation, is 21.9% used and 23.7% used on water quality.  J. Briody stated he is waiting for monies from other towns.

NEW BUSINESS:  A motion was made by J. Briody, seconded by B. Boodry to purchase an American Express Gift Card for C. Giordano in the amount of $100.00, and a commemorative plaque not to exceed $100.00.  Motion passed unanimously.  

OLD BUSINESS:  Regarding rowers and PFD’s for rowers, S. Young read an email Chairman Davidson received from E. Mariani, stating that she still has not received an answer from the Coast Guard, but will advise when she receives a response.  B. Piepho stated the outstanding motion to Vote on Expenditures for Study of Wake Effects on Shoreline (tabled from June meeting) be suspended until next year.

Lake Lillinonah Authority Meeting Minutes-September 1, 2009                     Page Three

OTHER BUSINESS:  B. Piepho reported that in August he and Chairman Davidson met with Brian Golembiewski & Bob Hannon of CT. DEP who are responsible for the littoral zone evaluation and study.  He stated that the DEP people were showed firsthand on the lake the impact upon the 2 ½ ft. change in water level.  B. Piepho asked B. Golembiewski to contact First Light by phone to obtain the current water level and had him do the math.  At that time, all visualized a 3ft. elevation in the water and they fully understand the complexity and how important this is to the lake authority.  They will be finalizing the littoral zone report with First Light, which will not be submitted until August 2010.  

B. Piepho stated that the Danbury Sewage Treatment Plant is conducting tours of the plant on September 15 & 22, 2009 at 10:30am.  S. Howard, S. Young, B. Piepho, and G. Walker (Friends of the Lake) will attend the September 22, 2009 tour at 10:30am.   S. Young provided directions to the plant.

B. Piepho asked if anyone has read the TMDL Analysis for Recreational Uses of the Still River Regional Basin document; three members responded yes.  B. Piepho stated that what the TMDL encompasses is different than what was thought.  Basically CT DEP used e-coli bacteria, which is normally associated with sewage, as a marker.  Everything in the study was about the e-coli level and within the first paragraph; it stated that the study ignores any impact from the Danbury Waste Treatment Plant.  This is because the Danbury Waste Treatment Plant in theory submits zero e-coli. Essentially the study has no impact whatsoever upon the Danbury Waste Sewage Plant.  The study also outlined every little creek within the Still River tributary and actually they performed e-coli measurements to find out point sources within the little tributaries.  Finally TMDL put a curve based on water flow as to acceptable e-coli levels.  In summary, it was up to the municipalities to find a way to move the e-coli from its current level to the target levels.  Basically, this is what the TMDL study outlined.  This is consistent with Federal EPA guidelines for TMDL studies.  
S. Young stated that specifically in terms of them using the e-coli as their indicator bacteria, the TMDL is a result driven formula.  What they are getting at is the amount of reduction of e-coli colonies in the little tributaries.  Trying to figure out where the e-coli is coming from in order to come up with parameters which are for recreational use of the Still River.  B. Piepho stated this affects the lake because e-coli is a marker which is an indication of impure waters coming from a warm blooded animal.  A side benefit of the reduction in storm water runoff would be a reduction of nitrogen and phosphorus entering the lake.  S. Young stated there is the MS4 permit that the municipalities have to have with the state and EPA on how they inspect, monitor, and control run off.  It could be their own town run off plan for how they clean out their catch basins and also for mandates that come from new construction as well as through the process of granting construction permits.  It should be mandated that people are putting up their silt fence.   When a project is finished there are BMP’s (best man practices) in place.  Silt coming off of parking lots containing pollutants and phosphorus when catch basins are filled up, it is like having a stray pipe.  As long as you are cleaning them out as a property owner, and if the town is making sure this is being done, then they are effective. There is no monitoring of BMP’s in Brookfield.  B. Piepho stated that the TMDL stated the obligation will be on each town to submit a plan to meet these levels. The real

Lake Lillinonah Authority Meeting Minutes-September 1, 2009                     Page Four

question is what should LLA have for a response which is due by September 10th?  B. Piepho stated the major concern is with Danbury Waste Water Treatment Plan.  Each town has to come up with a
plan to reduce e-coli discharge and thereby reduce phosphorus discharge.  B. Piepho also stated that he felt there is really nothing for LLA to respond to, but he will confer with the Board.  G. Walker, stated that the Friends of the Lake are considering a response.  S. Young stated that since he has been a member of LLA public comment period has been missed on enormous items and felt LLA should re-involve with formal comment or at least questions and clarifications that exist. S. Young stated, “No action is not an ideal action for the Lake Authority.”  S. Young asked G. Walker a question on third or independent party monitoring that Friends of the Lake does through Hydro-Technologies, Inc. of the water treatment plant in other areas of the Still River basin. There was an Excel file that was sent out showing an extremely high level of nitrogen.  The limit was in the one hundreds and the report listed the level at 12,000.  There was an explanation follow up on this file and G. Walker will forward the email onto S. Young.

B. Piepho stated he spoke with David Day and the consensus was that the lake is in a strange cycle.  When there is no water whatsoever the lake is crystal clear or when there are no heavy rains all year long like this year, flushing goes on and nothing gets accumulated. When the weather is warm with just enough rain there is enough inflow and outflow.  There is one last copper sulfate treatment that is not mandatory and can be banked. The consensus was to hold off on the treatment.

G. Simmons proposed the LLA should inquire to obtain a Google voice number that is free.  This number can be posted on the internet or the number can be published.  The Google voice number will not be answered, but messages are taken and entered in an email.  Emergency calls should be handled through 911.  G. Simmons will gather all the particulars on this service and apply for a number.  This matter will be placed on next month’s agenda.  J. Briody stated this method would result in a cost savings of $600.00/year plus the phone line in the amount $300.00   A T & T service would still have to remain in effect.

ADJOURN:  A motion was made by J. Briody, seconded by B. Boodry to adjourn the meeting.  Motion was passed unanimously.  Meeting was adjourned at 8:50pm.


CALL TO ORDER:  S. Young, First Vice Chairman, determined a quorum and called the meeting to order at 7:35pm.

Members Present:  S. Young-Bridgewater, B. Boodry-Brookfield, A. Hawley-Brookfield,
A. Niedzielski-Newtown, B. Woemer-Bridgewater, B. Piepho-Southbury, G. Simmons-Southbury, J. Briody-Bridgewater, L. Leaden-New Milford, S. Howard-Roxbury,
Absent Members:  W. Davidson-Brookfield, D. Kendall, R. Faanes-Roxbury, R. Carley-Newtown and S. Ward-New Milford
Also Present:  G. Walker – Friends of the Lake

APPROVAL OF MINUTES:  A motion was made by A. Niedzielski, seconded by G. Simmons to approve the minutes of the LLA Regular Meeting of August 4, 2009 with the following amendments:  page 3, under Old Business, remove S. Young stated that the critical link is broken between the property owner and the management of their property through the town.  This sentence is to be replaced with:  It is critical that there must be an ongoing link between the property owner and the way that they manage their property in regards to runoff.  Also on page 3 under Old Business, delete the following sentence:  A blanket acknowledgement of support will be sent.    Motion passed unanimously.

CHAIRMAN’S REPORT:  S. Young read the Chairman’s Report that was prepared by Chairman Davidson.  S. Young advised that LLA’s new mailing address is P.O. Box 568, Brookfield, CT  06804. S. Young stated that last month Chairman Davidson sent a letter of support to Attorney General Blumenthal regarding the effort to curtail the expansion of the Housatonic Waste Facility as Lake Lillinonah could be impacted by Pond Brook which empties into Lake Lillinonah.  All members received a copy of this letter via email.  S. Young stated that an appropriate gift be presented to C. Giordano for her many years of service to LLA.  S. Young also stated that Chairman Davidson collaborated with S. Ward and she will handle the details of obtaining a $100.00 gift certificate and a commemorative plaque for Chris. S. Young thanked the Friends of the Lake for hosting the annual membership party that was held at the Silverman home.  He also stated that the LLA membership was well attended and the guests in attendance were Atty. General Blumenthal and Lee Dunbar.  S. Young stated that LLA has the support of the Atty. General when it comes to protecting LLA.  A copy of the Friends of the Lake handout obtained at the annual membership party which describes its accomplishments, activities, and future Lake Lillinonah issues will be attached to the minutes.  S. Young stated that the plan was to perform coli form testing on a sampling basis this year to determine if there was a problem, which would have led to starting a regular testing program.  The sampling was not done.  Over the winter a sampling program will be organized for the sampling for the spring/summer of 2010.  The sampling areas will be the swim areas at Schaghticoke, Newtown Boat Launch, and Barkwood Cove.  S. Young added that the Town Health Department should be contacted for their resources and comments.

Lake Lillinonah Authority Meeting Minutes-September 1, 2009                     Page Two

FIRST VICE CHAIRMAN’S REPORT:  S. Young stated he is continuing to work with CCA for mapping with buoys and working with the subcontractor and vendors to prepare for the fall swap out.  S. Young reported that the red buoy is no longer missing.  L. Leaden stated the other missing buoy has also been recovered.  S. Young asked for recommendations on a sign vendor.  Pineman Signs - New Milford, Melvin Signs - Brookfield, and Sign-A-Rama in Danbury were recommended.  S. Young reported that the graphics and some wording need to be re-labeled; i.e. Hazard Area needs to be changed to Danger Rocks with an orange diamond, with a cross in the middle and reflective.   

SECOND VICE CHAIRMAN’S REPORT:  B. Boodry stated that at the Friends of the Lake party he spoke to J. Silverman who asked if the patrol officers could take photos of debris on the lake while they are on patrol.  These photos will serve as proof to FERC that there is debris in the lake.  B. Boodry spoke with K. Seeley who did not think it would be an issue with the patrol officers.  L. Leaden stated she will be willing to take photos (with date and time stamp) of debris observed on the lake as well that can be shared on the public photo sharing website.  A. Niedzielski asked if the public could call First Light when large debris is spotted.  S. Young asked A. Niedzielski, as head of the Debris Committee, to contact D. Pudlow and ask him if we could give out his phone number and in addition could he include the Lake Authority on his response emails when debris related calls are received. B. Boodry stated he received a list from K. Seeley about the winterization of boats.  According to bylaws this service has to go out to quote and will be sent out this week.  Boats will be coming out this month, 9/20 at the end of the GMS regatta. The last boat will come out in October, which will end the patrol season.  Labor Day until October 1st, patrol will be on weekends only.                  

TREASURER’S REPORT:  J. Briody stated the August 2009 statement is not available on the Wachovia website at this time.  He also stated that $15,000 was received from the 319 Grant.  
J. Briody reported that $6,000 was received from First Light Power for last year’s contribution.  Paid out for aquatic control was approximately $10,000 for answering service, and K. Seeley’s expenses.  He also stated that budget wise the treasury is about 20% through budget which runs through the end of June 2010.  The patrol, which is the single biggest allocation, is 21.9% used and 23.7% used on water quality.  J. Briody stated he is waiting for monies from other towns.

NEW BUSINESS:  A motion was made by J. Briody, seconded by B. Boodry to purchase an American Express Gift Card for C. Giordano in the amount of $100.00, and a commemorative plaque not to exceed $100.00.  Motion passed unanimously.  

OLD BUSINESS:  Regarding rowers and PFD’s for rowers, S. Young read an email Chairman Davidson received from E. Mariani, stating that she still has not received an answer from the Coast Guard, but will advise when she receives a response.  B. Piepho stated the outstanding motion to Vote on Expenditures for Study of Wake Effects on Shoreline (tabled from June meeting) be suspended until next year.

Lake Lillinonah Authority Meeting Minutes-September 1, 2009                     Page Three

OTHER BUSINESS:  B. Piepho reported that in August he and Chairman Davidson met with Brian Golembiewski & Bob Hannon of CT. DEP who are responsible for the littoral zone evaluation and study.  He stated that the DEP people were showed firsthand on the lake the impact upon the 2 ½ ft. change in water level.  B. Piepho asked B. Golembiewski to contact First Light by phone to obtain the current water level and had him do the math.  At that time, all visualized a 3ft. elevation in the water and they fully understand the complexity and how important this is to the lake authority.  They will be finalizing the littoral zone report with First Light, which will not be submitted until August 2010.  

B. Piepho stated that the Danbury Sewage Treatment Plant is conducting tours of the plant on September 15 & 22, 2009 at 10:30am.  S. Howard, S. Young, B. Piepho, and G. Walker (Friends of the Lake) will attend the September 22, 2009 tour at 10:30am.   S. Young provided directions to the plant.

B. Piepho asked if anyone has read the TMDL Analysis for Recreational Uses of the Still River Regional Basin document; three members responded yes.  B. Piepho stated that what the TMDL encompasses is different than what was thought.  Basically CT DEP used e-coli bacteria, which is normally associated with sewage, as a marker.  Everything in the study was about the e-coli level and within the first paragraph; it stated that the study ignores any impact from the Danbury Waste Treatment Plant.  This is because the Danbury Waste Treatment Plant in theory submits zero e-coli. Essentially the study has no impact whatsoever upon the Danbury Waste Sewage Plant.  The study also outlined every little creek within the Still River tributary and actually they performed e-coli measurements to find out point sources within the little tributaries.  Finally TMDL put a curve based on water flow as to acceptable e-coli levels.  In summary, it was up to the municipalities to find a way to move the e-coli from its current level to the target levels.  Basically, this is what the TMDL study outlined.  This is consistent with Federal EPA guidelines for TMDL studies.  
S. Young stated that specifically in terms of them using the e-coli as their indicator bacteria, the TMDL is a result driven formula.  What they are getting at is the amount of reduction of e-coli colonies in the little tributaries.  Trying to figure out where the e-coli is coming from in order to come up with parameters which are for recreational use of the Still River.  B. Piepho stated this affects the lake because e-coli is a marker which is an indication of impure waters coming from a warm blooded animal.  A side benefit of the reduction in storm water runoff would be a reduction of nitrogen and phosphorus entering the lake.  S. Young stated there is the MS4 permit that the municipalities have to have with the state and EPA on how they inspect, monitor, and control run off.  It could be their own town run off plan for how they clean out their catch basins and also for mandates that come from new construction as well as through the process of granting construction permits.  It should be mandated that people are putting up their silt fence.   When a project is finished there are BMP’s (best man practices) in place.  Silt coming off of parking lots containing pollutants and phosphorus when catch basins are filled up, it is like having a stray pipe.  As long as you are cleaning them out as a property owner, and if the town is making sure this is being done, then they are effective. There is no monitoring of BMP’s in Brookfield.  B. Piepho stated that the TMDL stated the obligation will be on each town to submit a plan to meet these levels. The real

Lake Lillinonah Authority Meeting Minutes-September 1, 2009                     Page Four

question is what should LLA have for a response which is due by September 10th?  B. Piepho stated the major concern is with Danbury Waste Water Treatment Plan.  Each town has to come up with a
plan to reduce e-coli discharge and thereby reduce phosphorus discharge.  B. Piepho also stated that he felt there is really nothing for LLA to respond to, but he will confer with the Board.  G. Walker, stated that the Friends of the Lake are considering a response.  S. Young stated that since he has been a member of LLA public comment period has been missed on enormous items and felt LLA should re-involve with formal comment or at least questions and clarifications that exist. S. Young stated, “No action is not an ideal action for the Lake Authority.”  S. Young asked G. Walker a question on third or independent party monitoring that Friends of the Lake does through Hydro-Technologies, Inc. of the water treatment plant in other areas of the Still River basin. There was an Excel file that was sent out showing an extremely high level of nitrogen.  The limit was in the one hundreds and the report listed the level at 12,000.  There was an explanation follow up on this file and G. Walker will forward the email onto S. Young.

B. Piepho stated he spoke with David Day and the consensus was that the lake is in a strange cycle.  When there is no water whatsoever the lake is crystal clear or when there are no heavy rains all year long like this year, flushing goes on and nothing gets accumulated. When the weather is warm with just enough rain there is enough inflow and outflow.  There is one last copper sulfate treatment that is not mandatory and can be banked. The consensus was to hold off on the treatment.

G. Simmons proposed the LLA should inquire to obtain a Google voice number that is free.  This number can be posted on the internet or the number can be published.  The Google voice number will not be answered, but messages are taken and entered in an email.  Emergency calls should be handled through 911.  G. Simmons will gather all the particulars on this service and apply for a number.  This matter will be placed on next month’s agenda.  J. Briody stated this method would result in a cost savings of $600.00/year plus the phone line in the amount $300.00   A T & T service would still have to remain in effect.

ADJOURN:  A motion was made by J. Briody, seconded by B. Boodry to adjourn the meeting.  Motion was passed unanimously.  Meeting was adjourned at 8:50pm.